The Open University’s Reproduction, Sexualities
and Sexual Health Research Group
The research of this group incorporates a wide range of specialisms. Key themes include the relationship between the body, health and identity; and understandings of reproductive and sexual health across the life course. All our research is underpinned by a commitment to challenging and improving practice in reproductive and sexual health care.
The Faculty of Law, University of Oxford
The Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford is one of the largest in the United Kingdom. It is a federation of thirty law schools in the colleges of the University. Legal scholars in the colleges and University are members of the Faculty, which coordinates and supports the teaching and writing of one hundred fifty three academics.
My Body My Life is co-led by the Open University and the University of Oxford, in collaboration with:

The Liminal Space
The Liminal Space is a consultancy that educates, engages and inspires people on important strategic and social issues using art and design.

British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is a not for profit provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare with clinics in England, Scotland and Wales. Each year BPAS cares for over 60,000 women requesting termination of pregnancy using medical and surgical methods to 24 weeks' gestation. Other services provided by BPAS are pregnancy testing, pre and post-abortion counselling, contraception, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, and vasectomy.

Alliance for Choice
Alliance for Choice campaigns for free safe legal abortion in Northern Ireland. #trustwomen #NotACriminal

UCL Institute for Women’s Health
The Sexual and Reproductive Health team at UCL Institute for Women’s Health aims to improve evidence based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care through excellence in research, training, and service enhancement. One of their key objectives is to contribute to knowledge transfer and promote evidence-based practice and policy locally, nationally and globally.

Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR), Edinburgh University, is a consortium research centre that delivers high quality, collaborative and inclusive research and is at the cutting edge in knowledge exchange practices relevant to key issues for families and relationships.

The MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU), University of Glasgow, aims to promote human health by the study of social, behavioural, economic and environmental influences on health. The SPHSU receives core funding from the UK Medical Research Council and Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (CSO), and is part of the University of Glasgow's Institute of Health and Wellbeing.

The Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRISS), Ulster University, aims to advance social science scholarship through the production of original data-sets, new knowledge, novel concepts and cutting edge tools that help build sustainable forms of social renewal in Northern Ireland and beyond. IRISS staff have a wide ranging programme of work on reproductive health issues, with particular expertise on abortion policy, law and stigma.