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I have been married for 5 years, we already have 1 child and always planned to have another. It took us a while to get pregnant, but our second pregnancy ended with a miscarriage at 10 weeks so it felt like a miracle when I found out I was pregnant again just 1 month later. Early pregnancy scans were reassuring and by the time the 20 week scan came around I had told everyone (there was no hiding it anyway) including my employer and was planning when and how to arrange my maternity leave. Although I was anxious about the scan I thought that it would be fine, sadly I was wrong. Our boy had brain, heart and kidney defects that would be fatal. We knew immediately that we wanted a termination, the thought of continuing the pregnancy for another 19 weeks knowing that he wouldn’t survive more than a few hours, that he might suffer pain, was impossible to contemplate. I can’t thank the staff who cared for us enough for all the kindness and empathy that they showed, they never judged us once and held our hands through the whole difficult process. I am eternally grateful that I live in a country where I could choose what was best for me and my family and not be criminalised for it. I still grieve for my little boy, but I have no regrets about the decision we made.

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